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Christina River

Delaware Tributary

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The Christina River is a tributary of the Delaware River, approximately 35 miles long, in northern Delaware in the United States, also flowing through small areas of southeastern Pennsylvania and northeastern Maryland. Near its mouth the river flows past downtown Wilmington, Delaware, forming the city’s harbor for traffic on the Delaware River. The Port of Wilmington, opened in 1923 at the river’s mouth, handles international cargo and trade.

The river rises in southeastern Pennsylvania, in Franklin Township in southern Chester County, and initially flows southeastwardly, passing through the northeastern extremity of Maryland in northeastern Cecil County, into New Castle County in Delaware, where it flows through western and southern areas of the city of Newark and then turns northeastwardly, passing the town of Newport and approaching Wilmington from the southwest. It receives White Clay Creek from the west near Newport, and Brandywine Creek in Wilmington, approximately 2 miles upstream of its mouth.

Wilmington’s Riverfront Development Corporation is a non-profit corporation that works with state and local governments, private investors, and community groups to create economic vitality, enhance the environment, and improve the quality of life along the Christina River. Some of the projects that the RDC has been involved in include building a riverwalk, a bridge, a park, a fieldhouse, a theater, a museum, and various residential and commercial developments.

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Contact Information
Riverfront Development Corp.
85 Justinston St.
Wilmington DE 19801
