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Silvio Conte National Wildlife Refuge

Wldlife Management Area

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The Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge is a unique refuge that spans four states, including Massachusetts. It was established in 1997 to conserve, protect, and enhance the abundance and diversity of native plant, fish, and wildlife species and the ecosystems on which they depend throughout the 7.2 million-acre Connecticut River watershed. The refuge includes a variety of habitats such as northern forest, rivers and streams, and an internationally significant complex of high-quality tidal fresh, brackish, and salt marshes. The refuge offers a wide variety of options for visitors throughout its twenty-two locations in four New England States. From hiking and kayaking to bird watching, fishing, and hunting, the refuge lends itself to anyone interested in spending time outdoors.

This site is part of the Connecticut River Paddlers Trail, which includes campsites, access points, and portage trails along the river.

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Contact Information
US Fish and Wildlife Service

Northampton, MA 01360
